PREACHER Season Premiere Recap: (S03E01) Angelville
DISCLAIMER: This Preacher recap contains more spoilers than the number of times Jesse breaks into bouts of fisticuffs with any given person. Our preacher sure loves a good fight. You’ve been warned. Say your prayers, and enter at your own peril.
Welcome back, Sinful Sunday lovers! Preacher gave us a solid Season 3 premiere this week. Jesse was up to his usual godly shenanigans as he tried to revive his dearly departed Tulip. Cassidy was still irritated with Jesse for not allowing him to turn Tulip into a vampire. Meanwhile, we delved into the past of Jesse’s formidable Grandma Marie L’Angel, and her voodoo practices. Oh, and it’s pretty obvious Marie slaughtered her own daughter, Jesse’s mother. Tulip spent her time prior to returning to Earth in Purgatory, and spoke to Dog (erm, God) Himself.