FORBES – Creating An Animated Film About A Dancing Mayfly To Revisiting Her Horror Film Roots, Betty Buckley Is Unstoppable
For some people spotting a megalyn mayfly buzzing around in mid air inside New York’s swanky Café Carlyle is an unwelcome disturbance. Especially when that mayfly is flitting around on stage while Judy Collins is in the midst of performing her songs.
But Betty Buckley, who was sitting in the audience during that Collins concert, isn’t one of those people. What Buckley saw was not a disturbing mayfly stealing Collins’ thunder. For Buckley, that mayfly was magic.
“This little creature was flying over her head through the whole show, making these beautiful geometric light patterns. I was fascinated watching it,” says the Tony-winning performer. “The mayfly’s dancing and light trails that she created was astonishing,”